Thursday, July 16, 2015

Just Words

You know the saying. A picture is worth a thousand words. But does it work the other way around? Can a thousand words be worth a picture. To my recollection, I never published a post without a picture. I might have but I don't remember as I've been blogging since 2009; this is my second blog. You can find my first blog here.  Often, I have something to say with no pictures to accompany my words. Taking pictures diminishes my attention. It robs me of the present moment I am trying to capture. It keeps me from taking in each single minute of goodness. Quite honestly, it is the pictures that hold me back from blogging regularly and consistently.

So picture this. A group of women, moms, sitting in a classroom, a fairly large room, more empty seats than filled ones. They are attending a journaling workshop, one that I created and titled "The Art of Journaling". The intent, my intent was to introduce them to journaling, a practice that saved me in the hopes that it will offer them clarity, insight and resolution in their lives as well. 

I had no preconceived expectations. I had them participate in two journaling practices. I was blown away by their willingness to share their innermost thoughts and feelings. Their honesty and raw emotion generated laughter as well as tears. It was moving. It was powerful. I was thrilled by the authenticity within their words. I wanted to inspire them but I was inspired deeply.  I walked away thankful, appreciative and grateful for this opportunity as I dwelled in purpose, my purpose. I just wanted to linger in each moment. 

A post without pictures, telling a story rooted in present moment.  Although this isn't a thousand words, I sure hope you get the picture just the same:)

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