Friday, January 9, 2015

Life's Meaningful Remnants

I see possibility in remnants, cast offs and thrift store finds. I guess it's the creativity within me wanting to be released and used to create something special and new.

So when I saw a blue and brown plaid flannel while thrifting, I was in heaven. Although it was a shirt, my first thought was pillows.

plaid pillows

The remnants of course were put to good use

to make cuffs for Christmas stockings

Christmas stockings with plaid cuffs

and a tie for a tree topper

tree topper

That's why I find creative projects, or should I say creative journeys, so engaging. You just never know where it will take you and what the end result will be.

plaid pillows

Remaining open to all the twists and turns, all the while, embracing perfect imperfection parallels life. Remnants represent possibility waiting to be transformed into something brand new.

How about you? Can you see possibility in your life's remnants?

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