Monday, January 26, 2015

Tea Makes Everything Better

Sometimes the smallest things make a world of difference. I'm not sure what I enjoy more, my morning cup of tea or 

or the well wishes dangling at the end of the string.

May this day bring you peace, tranquility and harmony. A few simple words can set the tone for the entire day, don't you think?  Have a great day!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Pomegranate Lesson

I love pomegranates. They are so yummy and healthy; always a great combo. When I buy them, even though I cant wait to open it up and partake , I procrastinate.

You know how many times, I waited too long to cut it open ?

I kept saying tomorrow, tomorrow. An tomorrow never came.

And when it did, it was too late. some seeds had lost their ruby red color and some had turned brown. Why did I wait so long!

I get so bummed.  But it was totally my fault. I put it off 

instead of enjoying it right away. This is a valuable reminder to stop putting off things that I enjoy.

Did you know there is something called a Pomegranate Deseeder Tool that will speed up the process of removing all those tasty seeds and eliminate the juice splatter messiness too?
I certainly didn't know, but now that I do, I am definitely investing in one. And now that I found out the correct way to cut and de-seed a pomegranate, there will be no more excuses. From this day forward, I will enjoy my pomegranates the day I get them.

Can you relate to putting off things that you enjoy?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Life's Meaningful Remnants

I see possibility in remnants, cast offs and thrift store finds. I guess it's the creativity within me wanting to be released and used to create something special and new.

So when I saw a blue and brown plaid flannel while thrifting, I was in heaven. Although it was a shirt, my first thought was pillows.

plaid pillows

The remnants of course were put to good use

to make cuffs for Christmas stockings

Christmas stockings with plaid cuffs

and a tie for a tree topper

tree topper

That's why I find creative projects, or should I say creative journeys, so engaging. You just never know where it will take you and what the end result will be.

plaid pillows

Remaining open to all the twists and turns, all the while, embracing perfect imperfection parallels life. Remnants represent possibility waiting to be transformed into something brand new.

How about you? Can you see possibility in your life's remnants?

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Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year, New Start, New Blog

Hello and welcome to Meaningful Remnants! I'm Joselyn and I first started blogging over at The DIY Spot ( in 2009. Writing posts primarily on Do-IT-Yourself  topics became increasingly difficult as my personal evolution shifted. I realized I needed to shift my blogging voice as well; it was time for me to spread my wings and venture out. And what better time to do just that, than at the start of a new year

 Although I adore DIY and it brings me unspeakable joy, it's not all of who I am. I am also passionate about the tiny remnants of everyday life - a profound quote, a powerful lyric, an expression of gratitude and, of course, living life creatively.

And so, here I am in my new digs  –  creating a new blog – in a new year and gifting myself a new start – in a new direction. Meaningful Remnants will be the perfect home for both my creative DIY pursuits, as well as bringing attention to the small treasures and moments of everyday life that really matter.

I like to think of Meaningful Remnants as part of life's journey and invite you to take this journey along with me.